Exploring Poses: Sun Salutation

April 10, 2012

The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit) is a sequence of 12 yoga postures that are meant to be performed in a single, flowing, graceful movement. I like to think of the Sun Salutation as “Yoga Breathing 101,” due to each movement in the sequence being accompanied by either an inhale or an exhale. This pattern of breath can help yogis who catch themselves not breathing while holding a posture.
Not only is this sequence helpful for beginners, it’s also the perfect length for a quick yoga fix in the midst of an otherwise busy schedule.

Fortunately, unless you’re holding your breath, there is no incorrect way to practice yoga. For this very reason, the Sun Salutation is a great place to start your journey. Keep in mind that maintaining rhythmic breathing is far more important than correct execution of postures. Yoga (on a basic level) is all about forgetting troublesome technicalities. Instead, you’re moving and stretching in the way your body naturally flows.
As long as you’re simply doing it, you’re 100% right!

Read further here.